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Rescued Baby Dolphin

URUGUAY – After being washed ashore, evidently injured by a fishing net, a baby dolphin approximately 10 days old is nursed back to health. The young La Plata river dolphin was discovered by walkers on a beach near the Uruguayan capital of Montevideo; there was no sign of a mother nearby. See the magnificent photos of the tiny dolphin now named Nipper – and the concerned penguin who oversaw his care. (The erect-crested penguin is an oil spill rescue who’s also recuperating at the reserve.) Find a brief article below about the program aimed at saving orphaned dolphins like this little one pictured. – Global Animal
An erect-crested penguin watches as Richard Tesore, head of the NGO Rescate Fauna Marina, holds a baby La Plata river dolphin in Piriapolis, 100 km (62 miles) east of Montevideo, November 5, 2010. The dolphin, which was found on the beach in the city four days ago, is recovering at the reserve from injuries Photograph by: Andres Stapff, Reuters

Richard Tesore, head of the NGO Rescate Fauna Marina, holds a baby La Plata river dolphin in Piriapolis, 100 km (62 miles) east of Montevideo, November 5, 2010. The dolphin, which was found on the beach in the city four days ago, is recovering at the reserve. Photograph by: Andres Stapff, Reuters

 Richard Tesore, head of the NGO Rescate Fauna Marina, feeds a baby La Plata river dolphin.

 Richard Tesore, Director of the marine fauna reserve "SOS Fauna Marina" holds a baby doplhin in a pool in Punta Colorada, department of Maldonado, 100 km east of Montevideo, Uruguay, on November 5, 2010. The little dolphin, about 10 days old, was found by tourists, apparently showing marks of a fishing net. Photograph by: (MIGUEL ROJO/AFP/Getty Images)

 Richard Tesore, Director of the marine fauna reserve "SOS Fauna Marina" bathes a baby doplhin in a pool in Punta Colorada, department of Maldonado 100 km east of Montevideo on November 5, 2010. The little dolphin of about 10 days, was found by tourists, apparently showing marks of a fishing net. Photograph by: Miguel Rojo, Getty Images

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